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How to fix broken MySQL replication


A broken MySQL replication can be caused due to various factors such a network issue and db performance issues (IO and storage), This article will explain how to detect and fix a broken replication caused by an event.


  • Admin/Full privileged access to MySQL Server

Step 1: To get started login to the MySQL server

mysql -u <username> -h <host url> -p or sudo -i mysql(For Hosted MySQL)

Step 2: Check MySQL replication status

show slave status \G

Search for the term Slave_IO_Running to see its status

If the value of Slave_SQL_Running is No then it confirms that the replication is broken. The ideal value must beYES.

Step 3: Recover MySQL Slave status

The reason for Slave_SQL_Running is set toNocan be due to a broken important/unimportant transaction. For this to recover, you will require to stop the slave and set the global sql_slave_skip_counter so that it can skip the ongoing error-prone transaction to recover its state.

Note: For the below command to work you need to ensure that the Slave thread is not working.

  • stop slave;
  • set global sql_slave_skip_counter = 1;
  • start slave;

This way executing the above command sequence will skip a given number of event/transaction from the master.

You need to repeat the above-given sequence until the error-prone statement/event is skipped after which the replication status will be active one again.

Note: It is advised that the number of events to skip should be set to1so that you don’t miss out of an important event.

You can monitor the status of the Slave_SQL_Running_Stateafter each run to see which event it would skip next. Once the problematic event is skipped, the replication state should resume normally. You can check the parameters like Seconds_Behind_Masterand Slave_SQL_Running to confirm is the replication is working and how much time it will take to sync up with the Master. You can find more details about global sql_slave_skip_counterhere.

To speed up syncing of Slave you can try tunning InnoDB flush log:

set global innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2; Until slave is synced then set it back to 1

Using this approach you an easily recover Slave status quickly. Let us know your views regarding this article by commenting below.

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